About HEEP


M.S.B.C. HEEP’s history began in 1990, when a few very passionate badminton players decided to found a badminton association.

This club still exists today and lives more than ever! Founding this club facilitated efficiently promoting their favourite sport and by tightening bonds with Maastricht University, they made it possible to connect to the UM network and recruit members. The first president who undertook this task was Ritchie Trieling.

Most people understand (may it be by guess or not) the abbreviation M.S.B.C. (Maastrichtse Studenten Badminton Club), but what does HEEP mean? The founders of this club found this abbreviation in a Latin-Dutch dictionary. HEEP stands for ‘Humanum Enim Est Peccare’. Literally translated, it says ‘It is human to make mistakes, after all’.

Want to find out more about HEEP’s history, take a look at old photographs and/or have a peak at old board archives? You can always send an email to the current board!


You don’t have to play at top-level. Everything is without obligation after all. But of course, it’s nicer if everybody plays together! We offer rackets to borrow if you have none, end nylon shuttles will also always be there to play with. Next to that we also have our proud trainer, Jack, that provides us every week with a tailored training that is suitable for beginners too experienced players. 

Backcourt Report

The backcourt report is our monthly newsletter that we send to all active members. It includes update about activities, tournaments and anything related to HEEP.

HEEP Statistics